SI-625 Serial Interface

The Serial Interface SI-625 connects the cb-625 to a standard PC RS232 serial port.

Retail price at USD18.- each set + postage.

Set includes :- Interface cable,
                    - battery holder for 4 AA batteries,
                    - adaptor, 25 ways male to 9 ways female,
                    - diskette with Windows 95/NT software

For those of you who have an electrical bent this is what you will get built into a DB-25 plug housing.


Free Windows 95/NT software chrono.exe (321K) for serial interface. (build 1.01.02)
This is a developement release with help and will self install. Download as a file then run it from Windows explorer. We think this does most things you want and can write a spread-sheet friendly comma delimited file incase you really want to get mathematical.

If you really want to go it yourself you need to know:
The cb-625 interface sends at 9600 baud, 8 databits, 1 stop bit, no parity.
The RTS line must be set active (+ve) and the transmit data left inactive (-ve).
The data consists of a 4 digit ascii decimal number, zero filled with the most significant digit first followed by a carriage return (0DH) and a line feed (0AH).
This is the number of clock cycles at 4MHz taken for the pellet to travel the 60mm gap between the two sensors.

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